Why you should hire us

Ask Gordon Ramsay, and he’ll tell you straight up—the best dishes are made from a few key ingredients that work perfectly together. So are the best teams.

Ours includes just three people. Rather than growing to become an “agency”, the flexibility in just remaining a “team” has allowed us to participate in some unique opportunities, and accomplish some really big things for brands like Google, Virgin America and Catalog Choice.

For Catalog Choice, we created the original site that signed up a million users in its first year. For Google & Virgin America, we created the “Day in the Cloud” game, anchoring a campaign that Ogilvy executives called, “an example of the future of marketing”. And our very own iOS app, Rego, was featured on the App Store home page in 127 countries!

What’s special about Makalu is our cross-discipline capabilities—the same people do everything from design to development. This combination allows us to extend “design” deeply into the domain of “how it works”—differentiating products that look nice, from those that deliver results.

We’re experienced in working alone and integrating into existing teams, and we know how to make sure that working remotely is a net benefit. While we love project work, we’d also love another opportunity to join an organization for the long-term, working like an external extension of an internal team, with the goal (if possible) of reserving one day per week for free exploration and working on our own apps.

We’re friendly, flexible and easy to work with, and, above all, you’ll be amazed at the results we’ll deliver. So if you’re looking for a great little team, we’re just a click away!